
超過100個刺青的「貓眼超模」-Catherine McNeil


By Quenti Lu and Raven Yang
catherine mcneil, model, style, hair, street style, 澳洲超模, 凱瑟琳麥尼爾, 超模, 國際超模, 刺青pinterest
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Fashion model, Fashion, Runway, Clothing, Fashion show, Shoulder, Haute couture, Joint, Fashion design, Human,

走遍四大時裝周,登上各大雜誌封面,澳洲貓眼超模Catherine McNeil在2009年,事業正值巔峰之際,毅然決然離開節奏快速的時尚圈,從伸展台上抽身,2年多後,以一頭短髮造型回歸的她,又再度剪去長髮,換上男孩氣十足的極短鮑伯頭,驚豔四座。

julien macdonald london fashion week aa 2009   runway
Karl Prouse/Catwalking//Getty Images

出身布里斯本的Catherine McNeil,因贏得澳洲當地模特兒大賽,14歲時曾前往紐約發展,而後因為經紀公司的建議,決定先返回澳洲以兼顧學業。2006年時,17歲的她,再度投入國際時尚圈,被攝影大師Mario Testino相中,簽下為期6個月的合約,也從此開啟她的超模生涯。

Face, Hair, Photograph, Black, Black-and-white, Eyebrow, Beauty, Lip, Head, Chin,

英氣十足的冷峻貓眼、辨識度極高的特色唇形,加上180公分的纖長骨架,被暱稱為「Cat」的Catherine McNeil迅速地在時尚圈竄起,除了走上Jean Paul Gaultier、Dior與Chanel等知名品牌的伸展台,也登上Givenchy廣告,然而多年的大量工作,以及與丹麥超模Freja Beha Erichsen的緋聞,讓她在2009年突然從伸展台引退,只在少數平面作品中現身。

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Melodie Jeng//Getty Images

2年多後,頂著一頭清爽肩上短髮,Catherine McNeil重回伸展台,展現更加自信的挺拔英氣,宣示著當年貓眼超模的完全回歸。而以全新鮑伯造型現身的她,又會在未來帶給我們什麼樣的新面貌,讓人引頸期盼。

Shoulder, Joint, Style, Fashion model, Jewellery, Fashion, Neck, Beauty, Waist, Model,

Catherine McNeil為Alexander Wang走秀。

Fashion model, Fashion show, Runway, Fashion, Fashion design, Model, Public event, Neck, Human, Footwear,

Catherine McNeil為Versace走秀。

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Hair, Street fashion, Eyewear, Clothing, Hairstyle, Fashion, Suit, Outerwear, Blazer, Sunglasses,

微亂短髮與墨鏡不僅凸顯Catherine McNeil的小臉,更顯出纖長的頸項線條。

Hair, White, Black, Hairstyle, Ear, Head, Black-and-white, Monochrome, Organ, Human,

熱愛刺青的Catherine McNeil,全身上下約有超過100個刺青,她在訪問中表示:「我真的記不得了(第一個刺青),大概是手腕上的『13』,或是耳後的星星吧。」

Tattoo, Shoulder, Back, Arm, Fashion, Design, Human body, Neck, Muscle, Model,
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背後也有著大幅刺青的Catherine McNeil,對刺青的熱愛,甚至讓她自己也開始學習刺青。

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Style, Headgear, Fashion accessory, Fashion, Street fashion, Hair accessory, Goggles, Sunglasses, Fashion design, Makeover,

在模特兒圈交友廣泛的Catherine McNeil,與獨特氣質的Issa Lish是好友。

Photograph, People, Monochrome, Social group, Black-and-white, Sitting, Snapshot, Fun, Grass, Fashion,

不工作時,在布魯克林的巴士底日慶祝活動,與名模Chloé Caillet和Lexi Boling一同現身。

Street fashion, Eyewear, People, Fashion, Sunglasses, Street, Snapshot, Footwear, Dress, Infrastructure,

隨性的Catherine McNeil與超級好友Binx Walton在巴黎街頭散步,她們的好交情從McNeil Instagram上的趣味互動可見。

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Street fashion, Clothing, Fashion, Footwear, Knee-high boot, Snapshot, Knee, Boot, Joint, Eyewear,
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(左)一身皮衣與破褲加上短版T-shirt,Catherine McNeil天生的超模身材表露無遺。


Clothing, Suit, Fashion, Formal wear, Tuxedo, Fashion model, Footwear, Dress, Little black dress, Black-and-white,

(左)穿上設計師Francesco Scognamiglio的設計,在刺繡與透視薄紗的襯托下,展現少見的性感風格。(右)與模特兒Lindsey Wixson出席活動時,選擇率性褲裝打造自在風格,加上清淡裸妝,化身巴黎女孩。

Clothing, Cobalt blue, Fashion model, Dress, Blue, Electric blue, Fashion, Purple, Formal wear, Leg,


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Clothing, Dress, Shoulder, Cocktail dress, Fashion model, Leg, Fashion, Little black dress, Joint, Hairstyle,


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Marc Piasecki//Getty Images


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Melodie Jeng//Getty Images


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