Lynn Yeager

Rodarte - Front Row & Backstage - Fall 2013 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
Paul Morigi//Getty Images
Face, Hair, Red, Forehead, Head, Eyebrow, Chin, Nose, Cheek, Red hair, pinterest
"You should really feel free to invent yourself and wear whatever you want!" (你應該自由自在去創造個人風格並穿上任何你想穿的衣服!)

亮橘色的鮑伯短髮、兩點圓圓的腮紅與藝妓般的小嘴唇妝是她的正字標記,時尚評論家Lynn Yaeger以詼諧風趣的風格、具社會性的犀利筆調,加上對時尚與環保永續關係的重視,躋升美國時尚圈權威人物之一,而同樣的幽默童心也在她的穿搭中顯盡,獨特造型讓人過目難忘。

Fur clothing, Fur, Clothing, Fashion, Textile, Outerwear, Fashion design, Haute couture, Natural material, Coat, pinterest
Lynn Yaeger把她的經典髮型形容為「世界上最老的法國孤兒。」
Fur clothing, Fur, Clothing, Fashion, Tartan, Fashion show, Textile, Pattern, Outerwear, Design, pinterest
Clothing, Fashion, Carpet, Fashion design, Outerwear, Flooring, Premiere, Dress, Costume, pinterest
Clothing, Fashion, Hairstyle, Fashion design, Dress, Outerwear, Premiere, Flooring, Fur, Costume design, pinterest
夢幻紡紗一層又一層,Lynn Yaeger是最可愛的時尚阿姨。

Iris Apfel

Manolo Blahnik With The Cinema Society Host The Premiere Of "Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes For Lizards"
JP Yim//Getty Images
Eyewear, Glasses, Gesture, Finger, Stock photography, Hand, Fashion design, Photography, Vision care, Style, pinterest
"It's better to be happy than well dressed." (開心比穿得好看重要。)

掛滿華麗珠飾、戴著大圓框眼鏡的造型深植人心,這位最高齡的時尚潮嬤Iris Apfel,其實原本是位室內設計師,因出借其豐富的骨董珠寶收藏予紐約大都會博物館,而意外打響名聲,隨後活躍於紐約時尚圈,不僅與許多大牌聯名、合作,還拍攝了她的紀錄片《時尚天后的繽紛人生》,以影像向大眾展現她的時尚哲學與生活態度。

Clothing, Fur, Fashion, Footwear, Fur clothing, Fashion design, Outerwear, Dress, Eyewear, Textile, pinterest
Clothing, Fashion, Outerwear, Eyewear, Flooring, Joint, Footwear, Carpet, Street fashion, Trench coat, pinterest
Fashion, Eyewear, Costume, Footwear, Fashion design, Street fashion, Fur, Outerwear, Electric blue, Glasses, pinterest
「妳不漂亮,而且妳永遠也不會變美,但這沒關係,妳有比這更好的特質,妳非常有型!」這是對Iris Apfel的時尚註解,也是她的風格宣言。

Amanda Lepore

LOVE Ball III - Arrivals
Sean Zanni//Getty Images
Hair, Beauty, Lip, Fashion, Human, Performance, Performance art, Photography, pinterest
"I am happy being me." (做自己最開心。)

豐唇翹臀與細到不能再細的小蠻腰,傳奇人物Amanda Lepore原本是個男兒身,19歲時做了變性手術,實現了想變成女人的願望,為了擁有如芭比娃娃般的完美身材,她更是下足了工夫,做了無數的手術,甚至為了追求纖腰而打斷肋骨,「世上最貴身體」的形容十足貼切;而她的戲劇化樣貌也讓她得到眾多的品牌合作、拍攝,甚至跨足音樂圈,發行了多首歌曲;或許許多人無法接受或理解她的樣子,但Amanda Lepore說她一點也不後悔,她非常享受她現在的模樣。

Red, Beauty, Automotive design, Fashion, Vehicle, Car, Blond, Model, Dress, Street fashion, pinterest
Fashion, Dress, Event, Fashion design, Leg, Haute couture, Costume, Performance, pinterest
Red carpet, Red, Fashion, Dress, Flooring, Carpet, Fashion design, Haute couture, Eyelash, Fictional character, pinterest
當被告知整容手術很危險時,Amanda Lepore說「我不在乎,只要我在棺材中美美的就好!」

Miss Fame

Street Style - Paris Fashion Week - Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2020 : Day Tree
Edward Berthelot//Getty Images
Black, Face, Photograph, Black-and-white, Beauty, Monochrome photography, Monochrome, Fashion, Flash photography, Photography, pinterest
"I feel like I blur the line of what drag can be because my drag is unique. " (我超越了傳統變裝皇后的界線,因為我的變裝風格獨一無二。)

接下來這位可是貨真價實的男人,但卻有著比許多女人還高超的化妝技巧與魅惑風姿,他是Miss Fame,在著名的Rupaul's Drag Race變裝皇后選拔秀中脫穎而出,並在Youtube上分享他令人嘆為觀止的化妝技巧,最近更與L'Oréal 合作,擔任品牌大使,於坎城影展中亮相,成為第一個踏上紅毯的變裝皇后。

Clothing, Dress, Cocktail dress, Shoulder, Red, Carpet, Fashion model, Latex clothing, Lip, Joint, pinterest
Red carpet, Clothing, Carpet, Dress, Shoulder, Cocktail dress, Leg, Joint, Muscle, Flooring, pinterest
Red carpet, Carpet, Dress, Premiere, Flooring, Clothing, Fashion model, Fashion, Event, Shoulder, pinterest

Patrick McDonald

Duckie Brown - Front Row & Backstage - Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2015
Wendell Teodoro//Getty Images
Facial expression, Smile, Fun, Headgear, Hat, Fashion accessory, Gesture, pinterest
"Be true to myself and the right people will be around me, and the wrong people will be away from me." (當我展現真實自我時,所有對的人都會圍繞著我,而錯的人則將遠離。)

身為紐約的Dandy代表、比爾爺爺Bill Cunningham鏡中的常客,Patrick McDonald每每出場都戲劇性十足,畫至太陽穴的銳利尖眉,與總是斜帶著的帽飾是他的招牌特色,短褲、T恤與夾腳拖鞋絕不可能在他身上看見,對他來說,休閒裝扮指的是牛仔褲、哈倫褲及寬鬆長袍,因為"There's no excuse for not dressing well"(實在沒有不好好打扮自己的理由!) Patrick說。

Suit, Clothing, Formal wear, Fashion, Victorian fashion, Tuxedo, Costume design, Outerwear, Frock coat, Fashion design, pinterest
Coco Chanel曾說過"Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory."(當你外出前先看看鏡中的自己,然後拿掉一項多餘的裝飾。);而Patrick McDonald說"I put something more on before I leave the house."(我出門前一定要再多加一些飾品在身上。)
Clothing, Suit, Formal wear, Outerwear, Pantsuit, Blazer, Hat, Jacket, Costume, pinterest
Clothing, Fashion, Suit, Outerwear, Blazer, Formal wear, Street fashion, Tuxedo, Fedora, Style, pinterest
Clothing, Street fashion, Blazer, Jeans, Fashion, Fedora, Dress shirt, Outerwear, Suit, Hat, pinterest



Jeffree Star! James Charles! 這些比女人還會化妝的男性美妝達人及他們熱賣的彩妝品!

【Bazaar時尚觀察室】什麼是Camp?紐約大都會博物館 2019 Met Gala派對主題大解析