Photograph, Standing, Vintage clothing, Painting, Rectangle, Overcoat, Retro style, Costume design, Photographic paper, Frock coat, pinterest
Finger, Mouth, Facial hair, Beard, Wrist, Moustache, Thumb, Gesture, Top, Photographic paper, pinterest

今天早上第一場Bottega Veneta的50周年超級大秀是本次米蘭服裝周中最令人感動的。除了年紀相差50歲的1970年代超模Lauren Hutton與當代最火超模Gigi Hadid同台演出,設計總監Tomas Maier還率領所有設計團隊一同謝幕, 能如此幸運看到這場世紀大秀,證明水逆果然已離我們遠去。

Arch, Facade, Rectangle, Art, Arcade, Parallel, Tints and shades, Material property, Column, Molding, pinterest
Art, Sculpture, Trunk, Chest, Rectangle, Visual arts, Painting, Classical sculpture, Creative arts, Modern art, pinterest

本次的Bottega Veneta服裝秀於米蘭的一間藝術學院中舉行,非常具有文藝的氣息。尤其是古典的建族與經典的雕像。。。那個,我很慶幸這次看秀沒有坐在這個雕像的正對面,否則我拍出來的照片可能會對品牌與模特兒們大不敬,水逆真的離我們而去了!耶!(古代的義大利男人真是大方~)

Art, Arch, Place of worship, Holy places, Medieval architecture, Rectangle, Carving, Classical architecture, Visual arts, Religious institute, pinterest
Art, Mythology, Painting, Visual arts, Middle ages, pinterest


Finger, Joint, Human leg, Wrist, Toe, Art, Foot, Beige, Artwork, Ankle, pinterest


Hairstyle, Photograph, Vintage clothing, Lipstick, Retro style, Photographic paper, Bridal clothing, Bride, Ceremony, Embellishment, pinterest

為何有人可以當模特兒,有的人就不行? 看看這位Blumarine美麗模特兒的日常,你今天雙手交叉旋轉撫臉了嗎?如果沒有,你就不是模特兒。

Green, Art, Turquoise, Aqua, Teal, Fin, Artwork, Aircraft, Paper, Paper product, pinterest
Jimmy Choo
Green, Leaf, Rectangle, Annual plant, Paper, Commemorative plaque, pinterest

Jimmy Choo本季的大自然花園主題,從邀請卡到秀場的布置與產品的花開蝶舞鳥飛造型,完全一氣呵成。尤其那個由霧面壓克力板製作而成的押花邀請卡,如果我拿回去當杯墊或是鍋墊,會很歐巴桑嗎?

High heels, Sandal, Visual arts, Basic pump, Illustration, Dancing shoe, Shoe store, Painting, Dress shoe, Retail, pinterest
Giuseppe Znotti Design
Purple, Magenta, Pink, Violet, Rectangle, Art, Lavender, Light fixture, Interior design, Visual arts, pinterest

這次在米蘭時裝周看到好多好多流蘇的裝飾,來到Giuseppe Zanotti Design秀場,流蘇當然也不可少,只是它們都以閃亮亮的水晶呈現,從高跟鞋到水晶燈,宛如瀑布的水晶一串一串閃耀而下,今晚就在這充滿華麗的夢幻中跟大家說;晚安水晶。