

「浪漫與恐懼是我在這時刻感受到的兩種力量。」如此說道的Miuccia Prada,藉由2019 秋冬系列獨特大膽的設計,描繪浪漫的雙重性,進行一場「浪漫的解剖學」(Anatomy of Romance)。

By and Rita Tseng

2019 FW Fashion Week 時裝周

fashion, fashion design, fashion week, paris fashion week, pfw, 巴黎時裝周, chanel, 
karl lagerfeld

【2019巴黎秋冬時裝周】Chanel的夢幻冬日:卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld的絕美告別

Fashion, Shoulder, Beauty, Fashion model, Dress, Formal wear, Joint, Fashion design, Event, Leg,


Street fashion, Fashion, Yellow, Snapshot, Human, Infrastructure, Fashion design, Event, Temple, Street,

【2019巴黎秋冬時裝周】Leonard Paris帶你翱翔印度!一同來場繽紛活潑的秋冬饗宴

Fashion model, Clothing, Fashion, Dress, Haute couture, Shoulder, Neck, Runway, Sleeve, Formal wear,

【2019巴黎秋冬時裝周】Balenciaga 一個沒有場內攝影師的服裝秀

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