
「享受當下,別成為生活的奴隸!」義式大膽風格指標Donatella Versace的無畏人生語錄

Donatella Versace用一生訴說只要把握當下,生命自會有出路!

By , AFRA DING and Jocelyn Tsai
「享受當下,別變成生活的奴隸!」義式大膽風格指標donatella versace的無畏人生語錄
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說到最具義大利氣息的品牌,許多人都會想到以蛇髮女妖Medusa為代表的Versace,而品牌背後的女性繆斯、創意總監 Donatella Versace,更可說是最能代表Versace義式奢華形象的女子。頂著吸睛白金長髮、擁有完美古銅色肌膚的Donatella Versace外表豔麗又大膽,是許多女子心目中的時髦指標,而當她在哥哥Gianni Versace意外離世後獨自一手扛起品牌,又讓眾人看見她不輕易屈服的堅毅性格,正如Donatella Versace眼中嫵媚性感並充滿力量的Versace女子;下滑看Donatella Versace的無畏人生語錄▼

語錄精選>> 蕾哈娜自信、勇敢的20句霸氣天后語錄:「放下那些讓你覺得死氣沈沈的事物,人生值得好好過!」

Donatella Versace語錄精選

versace runway milan fashion week springsummer 2018
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“I believe you should try to enjoy yourself and never feel like you are a slave to a routine.”


Donatella Versace語錄精選

clooney foundation for justice hosts the albie awards
Arturo Holmes//Getty Images

“You can never forget the time you're living in because the past is the past and it will never come back. ”


Donatella Versace語錄精選

the fashion awards 2019 tables
Lia Toby/BFC//Getty Images

“Something has to change in the world. Without change, young people will have no future.”


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Donatella Versace語錄精選

64th annual grammy awards telecast
Johnny Nunez//Getty Images

"It's no good being too easily swayed by people's opinions. You have to believe in yourself.”


Donatella Versace語錄精選

64th annual grammy awards backstage
Frazer Harrison//Getty Images

“In Italian there is an expression: We don't sleep on the fame.”


Donatella Versace語錄精選

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Stefania D'Alessandro//Getty Images

“Fashion is all about happiness. It's fun. It's important. But it's not medicine.”


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Donatella Versace語錄精選

us entertainment fashion metgala celebrity museum people
ANGELA WEISS//Getty Images

“You can't pretend that everybody likes Versace. It would be boring. It's better to create a reaction than to create no reaction.”


Donatella Versace語錄精選

the fashion awards 2017 in partnership with swarovski backstage
Gareth Cattermole/BFC//Getty Images

“It would be very easy for us to do a collection that everybody would like and not criticize. But criticism is a part of life. You have to take it.”


Donatella Versace語錄精選

vogue magazine 100th anniversary
Ron Galella//Getty Images

“You can have small moments of happiness in life. You certainly can't expect years and years of it.”


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