
「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄

Yves Saint Laurent對於完美的追求太讓人敬佩!

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
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自西元1961年於法國巴黎成立以來,擁有60多年歷史、以高級訂製服起家的Saint Laurent,可稱是當代最享負盛名的精品品牌之一。而創辦人Yves Saint Laurent,除了以其俐落大膽的服裝風格與過人的設計才華,在人才濟濟的時尚圈脫穎而出外,更在保守的1960年代讓女性穿著上中性的Le Smoking西裝,推動女子著裝的變革,並促進性別平權議題在當時社會上的關注。儘管已在2008年因病離世,Yves Saint Laurent的傳奇生涯,依然為時尚史留下深遠影響;下滑看Yves Saint Laurent關於風格、態度的20句語錄,一窺他無畏傳統的自信風采!


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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於時尚

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Michel Dufour//Getty Images


"Fashions fade, style is eternal."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於穿著

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Michel Dufour//Getty Images


"Dressing is a way of life."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於服裝

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Reg Lancaster//Getty Images


"Good clothing is a passport to happiness."

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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於優雅

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Sonia Moskowitz//Getty Images


"We must never confuse elegance with snobbery."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於自信

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Keystone-France//Getty Images


"I'm very sure of myself - what I do and what I like."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於自我

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Michel Dufour//Getty Images


"I'm not deceived by people, because I don't pay attention to people."

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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於態度

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄

「Poiret(指法國服裝設計師Paul Poiret)為每個顧客訂製服裝,但我不想只是為做而做。」

"Poiret made clothes for individual customers, but I wouldn't like to make a dress just for its own sake."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於設計

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
John Downing//Getty Images


"I do not decide that skirts shall be short or long. The shape of the dress itself often dictates the length."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於風格

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Michel Dufour//Getty Images


"My favorite thing is a black sweater and skirt, which you can wear all the time by changing the accessories."

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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於模特兒

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Stephane Cardinale - Corbis//Getty Images


"A good model can advance fashion by ten years."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於理想

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images


"I just tried to be an artist in my own metier."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於堅持

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Terry Fincher//Getty Images


"I am no longer concerned with sensation and innovation, but with the perfection of my style."

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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於女性

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Stephane Cardinale - Corbis//Getty Images


"Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於信念

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Michel Dufour//Getty Images


"I wanted women to have the same basic wardrobe as a man. Blazer, trousers, and suit. They're so functional. I believed women wanted this and was right."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於女性

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Penske Media//Getty Images


“Chanel freed women, and I empowered them.”

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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於影響

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Reg Lancaster//Getty Images


"I tell myself that I created the wardrobe of the contemporary woman, that I participated in the transformation of my times."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於審美

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Pierre VAUTHEY//Getty Images


"It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於心境

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Penske Media//Getty Images


"I try to only be in agreeable circumstances."

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聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於完美

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Pool ARNAL/PICOT//Getty Images


"I'm constantly looking for perfection."

聖羅蘭Yves Saint Laurent語錄:關於美

「別將優雅與虛榮混為一談!」聖羅蘭yves saint laurent關於時尚、態度的20句大膽語錄
Images Press//Getty Images


“The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves. But for those who haven’t had the fortune of finding this happiness, I am there.”

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