
「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」Miuccia Prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄

「勇敢」和「叛逆」就是Miuccia Prada的代名詞!

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
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在憑著Prada與Miu Miu的作品改造時尚之前,被時尚圈尊稱為「Prada女士」的Miuccia Prada,學生時代其實主修政治,更擁有博士學歷。1970年代後期加入當時以皮件製造為主的家族品牌後,Miuccia Prada便以非典型的創作手法顛覆時尚圈,除了以軍用黑色尼龍面料製包,更形塑出不取悅他人的Ugly Chic美學,時至今日,仍透過模糊傳統二元性別的設計推動多元價值轉變。設計總是聚焦女性、關心時局的Miuccia Prada,不僅憑著叛逆精神改寫時尚,對於人生的態度也同樣無畏大膽,以下跟著Miuccia Prada 20句關於時尚、女性、生活的智慧語錄,品味Prada女士拒絕常規的勇敢思維!


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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於使命

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Taylor Hill//Getty Images


“Probably what I want in my life to attack most is the idea of beauty and sexiness. That is my obsession.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於改變

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Rose Hartman//Getty Images


“If I have done anything, it is to make ugly appealing.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於著裝

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
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“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is instant language.”

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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於識人

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Stefania D'Alessandro//Getty Images


“I don't believe in people who think that clothes are not important.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於時尚

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Daniele Venturelli//Getty Images


“When people don’t talk about fashion, I think it’s because they don’t want to talk about their bodies, their issues, their fantasies.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於創作

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

「歸根究柢,Prada就是我,而Miu Miu則是我想成為的樣子。」

“Prada, at the end, is what I am, and Miu Miu is what I would like to be.”

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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於設計師

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Daniele Venturelli//Getty Images


“I think it is better to do something that makes sense to people. Which is the actual role of us designers. This doesn’t mean we don’t have to be creative — but we have to be creative in a way that is real and human.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於作品

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

「我的作品在男裝、女裝和Miu Miu之間流動,就像一個三角關係。但基本上,我想讓男人更感性,讓女人更堅強。」

“My work flows between men’s, women’s, and Miu Miu, so it’s like a triangle. But basically I’m trying to make men more sensitive and women stronger.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於抗議

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Yanshan Zhang//Getty Images


“Clothes were part of the protest, but the origins of those protests go deeper.”

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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於政治

miuccia prada at miu miu show
Rose Hartman//Getty Images


“I was raised to be political, and in the end, politics are really what I carry with me deep down. In a subtle way, I try to bring them to my work.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於叛逆

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Catherine McGann//Getty Images


“I am naturally attracted by opposites: I love luxury and yet I hate luxury. I struggle between democracy and exclusivity. I hate the idea of everybody wearing Prada.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於藝術

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Stephane Cardinale - Corbis//Getty Images


“For me, art is about learning and about living with people. It's alive.”

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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於女性

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Rose Hartman//Getty Images


“I’ve always tried to help women express themselves, to be free and do whatever they want. And be free from the judgment of men.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於勇氣

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
WWD//Getty Images


“Bravery is something women always need, this talks about the fantasies of women, their imaginations and dreams of different places, different ideas. Following your dreams is courageous – that takes bravery and strength.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於工作

the fashion awards 2018 in partnership with swarovski black white
Gareth Cattermole/BFC//Getty Images


“If you don’t work, if you depend on a man for your bread, how can you be happy?”

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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於心態

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Pietro S. D'Aprano//Getty Images


"You can wear the most powerful dress and not be powerful. You can dress like a stupid little girl and be super-powerful.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於困境

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Ron Galella, Ltd.//Getty Images


“The struggle is the struggle – it’s for your soul and for your independence. And also the struggle for the things you believe in. At least, that’s how I see my life.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於財富

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄


“You cannot do something just for the money. You have to do things you believe in and eventually you will make money.”

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Miuccia Prada語錄:關於進步

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Fairchild Archive//Getty Images


“I’m always thinking about the next thing. So I don’t enjoy anything.”

Miuccia Prada語錄:關於人生

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」miuccia prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images


“I like life spent, in good or bad, doing something significant. Perhaps the only thing I fear is boredom.”

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