
「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家Rosie Huntington-Whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄

蘿西杭亭頓Rosie Huntington-Whiteley的自信態度太迷人!

By , and Tiffany Chiu
「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
instagram @rosiehw//Getty Images

說到蘿西杭亭頓(Rosie Huntington-Whiteley),你也許會聯想到維密天使超模、變形金剛火辣女主角,又或是她的帥氣伴侶傑森史塔森( Jason Statham),不過近年她更是創立了個人美妝品牌「Rose Inc.」,斜槓跨界成為美妝CEO!而這一切其實來得一點也不突然,在過去的訪問中她便曾提到:「我總是習慣先預想五年後的規劃,想著五年後的我會想成為什麼樣子並想像自己達成目標後的樣貌。」由此即可發現,對未來具備企圖心和規劃,便是蘿西杭亭頓能身兼超模與企業家的秘訣之一,下滑透過她過去曾說過的人生哲學,認識蘿西杭亭頓美貌背後的態度與智慧。

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
Gotham//Getty Images


I'm not going to change my teeth or get a nose job. That manufactured perfection does nothing for me.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
George Pimentel//Getty Images


The ultimate accessory is a big smile and positive energy!

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
Stephane Cardinale - Corbis//Getty Images


Being confident doesn’t require you to be perfect. It doesn’t mean you have to be the prettiest or smartest person in the room. It just means that you have to take a good look at yourself and choose to like who you see.

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
Dimitrios Kambouris//Getty Images


Life’s not going to hand it to you on a plate. Go out there and grab it.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
George Pimentel//Getty Images


I'm not here to win a popularity contest. Let the haters hate. I'm ready for the criticism.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
Samir Hussein//Getty Images


I'd like to think that I'm brave. That's a really wonderful personality trait to have. I would love to think I'm the type of person to go rescue someone.

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
Karwai Tang//Getty Images


I’ve never felt comfortable sitting back and waiting for other people to make decisions for me. I’ve always wanted to be in control of where my life is going.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley名言精選

「有自信並非要求完美,而是喜歡自己的樣子!」超模企業家rosie huntington whiteley掌握人生的態度語錄
Stephane Cardinale - Corbis//Getty Images


I am determined. You have to be if you want to continue working. It doesn’t just hand itself to you.

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