
「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」Tory Burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄

完美平衡設計師、創業家、母親等身分,Tory Burch靠的是不輕易屈服的紮實努力!

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄

坐擁11億美元資產的企業家、獨具品味的服裝設計師、三個孩子的母親,這都是Tory Burch人生裡所扮演的角色,三者都需依賴龐大的心力與時間經營,Tory Burch卻自在穿梭其間,還越做越好。自大學畢業起便在紐約時尚圈耕耘的Tory Burch,過去曾因照顧家庭而暫別職場,但行動力極強的她,在2004年決定成立Tory Burch同名品牌,更同時身兼創意總監與CEO長達14年,成功讓Tory Burch一路從紐約紅遍全球,至今在世界各地擁有超過370家據點,並持續擴大中。如何從家庭主婦轉為企業家?對Tory Burch而言,努力至關重要,「或許我們正生活在Instagram的時代,但成功依然沒有捷徑。成功需要努力、堅韌和耐心。」下滑看Tory Burch給當代女性的15句職場啟示語錄!


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Tory Burch職場語錄:關於夢想

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Lexie Moreland//Getty Images


"If it doesn’t scare you, you’re probably not dreaming big enough."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於心態

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images


"Being an entrepreneur isn’t just a job title, and it isn’t just about starting a company. It’s a state of mind. It’s about seeing connections others can’t, seizing opportunities others won’t, and forging new directions that others haven’t."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於成功

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Rose Hartman//Getty Images


"We may live in an age of instant messaging, instant gratification, and Instagram, but there is no way to short circuit the path to success. It takes hard work, tenacity and patience."

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Tory Burch職場語錄:關於變化

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Slaven Vlasic//Getty Images


"I’ve realized that the only constant in life is change. I’ve had to learn how to be flexible enough to deal with that."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於學習

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Dimitrios Kambouris//Getty Images


"Even if you’re not yet an entrepreneur, you can be entrepreneurial in everything you do. If you view each stop as an opportunity to learn something, there is always something you will take away from that experience."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於思維

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
tory burch


"Remember: if the most unique ideas were obvious to everyone, there wouldn’t be entrepreneurs. The one thing that every entrepreneurial journey has in common is that there are many, many steps on the road to success."

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Tory Burch職場語錄:關於經歷

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Peter White//Getty Images


"Regardless of whether your first jobs are the right ones for you, be cognizant enough to take something away from each experience. It will help you find your passion."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於時間

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
ANGELA WEISS//Getty Images


"You have to be happy and passionate about what you do. Life moves too fast to spend your time otherwise."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於心境

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Lexie Moreland//Getty Images


"Think of negativity as noise, and believe in yourself."

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Tory Burch職場語錄:關於女性

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Peter White//Getty Images


"If women support women—which is a necessity—we can make change."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於野心

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images


"I think women should be just as ambitious as men, and be proud of it."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於堅持

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Peter White//Getty Images


"Know that there is no such thing as an overnight success. Doing a startup is exceptionally difficult. Be prepared to work hard and accept there will be late nights and working weekends. There are no shortcuts, but if you have the drive and passion to see it through, it is so worth it."

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Tory Burch職場語錄:關於態度

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Larry Busacca//Getty Images


"I don’t take anything for granted and I know absolutely nothing is a given."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於勇氣

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
Tory Burch


"You have to take a risk and put yourself out there."

Tory Burch職場語錄:關於付出

「即使在快速的社群時代,成功依然沒有捷徑!」tory burch給當代女性的15句職場人生語錄
George Chinsee//Getty Images


"If you’re willing to pursue your passion, put in the hard work, and believe in yourself, you will succeed."

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