

FIAT 500 Armani連輪輞都有GA樣式啊!

Land vehicle, Vehicle, Car, Motor vehicle, City car, Automotive design, Hatchback, Fiat 500, Subcompact car, Design,
FIAT 500 Armani

Fiat飛雅特推出FIAT 500的純電動車型,車身延續上一代的復古時尚,為了突顯電動車的非凡品味,內裝特別攜手三大時尚品牌Giorgio Armani、Bulgari、Kartell共同聯名打造Fiat 500,三款限量聯名款將一起被拍賣。而對美學甚有要求的Armani先生又會與Fiat飛雅特共同碰撞出什麼樣的火花呢?你可以透過FIAT 500 Armani車型窺見Armani先生謹慎細膩的風格。

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另外值得一提的是,FIAT 500 Armani、the B.500 “MAI TROPPO”by Bvlgari和500 Kartell三款限量聯名電動車款的拍賣款項,將全力支持「奧斯卡影帝」李奧納多創辦Earth Alliance非營利組織的慈善項目,一起對抗全球環境變!

FIAT 500 Armani 車型

Land vehicle, Vehicle, Car, City car, Motor vehicle, Fiat 500, Fiat 500, Hatchback, Subcompact car, Automotive design,

FIAT 500 Armani聯名款車型是一款崇尚風格、創意與工藝,並且結合簡約科技風格,打造一款適合奔馳於理想城市的完美車型。它遵循自然、再生和循環再做的可持續理念,並且在車頂和輪輞皆署有設計師Giorgio Armani的簽名,更能強調駕駛者的非凡品味。

Land vehicle, Vehicle, Automotive design, Car, City car, Hatchback, Compact car, Automotive wheel system, Headlamp, Personal luxury car,
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Land vehicle, Vehicle, Car, Headlamp, Grille, Motor vehicle, Vehicle door, Automotive design, Bumper, Automotive lighting,

FIAT 500 Armani聯名款的灰綠色絲綢效果之金屬車身,部分採用鐳射雕刻工藝,造就織物般的飾面;創新的防污抗菌技術有助於淨化空氣。

Luxury vehicle, Automotive exterior, Vehicle, Grille, Metal,
Giorgio Armani
Land vehicle, Vehicle, Car, Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Minivan, Family car, Compact car, Metal, City car,
Giorgio Armani

FIAT 500 Armani聯名款的內裝部分採用來源可信賴的天然皮革和羊毛織物設計,能看到Giorgio Armani對於皮革的精湛工藝,傾力打造都會優雅的風格座駕。

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Ball, Car,
Giorgio Armani
Car seat cover, Vehicle, Luxury vehicle, Car, Automotive design, Personal luxury car, Mid-size car, Car seat,
Giorgio Armani
Car, Vehicle, Center console, Motor vehicle, Steering wheel, Vehicle audio, Automotive design, Steering part, Luxury vehicle, Gear shift,
Giorgio Armani

車室細節則是飾以再生木質嵌飾與鋁質的材質,FIAT 500 Armani聯名款能從細節間,看見電動小車的精緻品味!

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Vehicle, Car, Automotive design, Carbon, Personal luxury car, Metal, Vehicle door, Auto part,
Giorgio Armani
Automotive exterior, Vehicle door, Carbon, Car, Material property, Personal luxury car, Vehicle, Bumper, Metal, Rim,
Giorgio Armani
此內容來源為 youTube,該網站能找到相關內容或更多資訊。
New Fiat 500 | Giorgio Armani
New Fiat 500 | Giorgio Armani thumnail
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