
「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」Chanel繆思超模Vittoria Ceretti的10句率真語錄

不只伸展台上的身影迷人,Vittoria Ceretti的率真性格更圈粉!

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
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來自義大利的Vittoria Ceretti是當今最具代表性的超模之一,出生於1998年的她,年僅14歲便透過經紀公司Elite Model的競賽展露頭角,憑著如畫的古典精緻面容,逐步站穩模特兒圈,如今,在各家精品品牌、時尚雜誌上都能見到她的身影,更受到Karl Lagerfeld青睞,成為Chanel每季大秀、形象的御用超模。在二代滿滿的時尚娛樂界,Vittoria Ceretti靠著專業與堅持,經過整整五年的磨練,才在2017年真正走紅,成名之後她依然保持著率真自我,僅需翻開她的Instagram就能一窺她如同大男孩的性格,這樣的真性情更讓她敢於有話直說,先前歐美娛樂圈掀起Nepo Baby星二代話題之際,Vittoria Ceretti也直言:「你根本不知道要付出多少努力,才能贏得人們的尊重。」據理力爭的勇敢態度,不僅引發盛讚,更讓人見識到她身為超模的大膽氣勢!下滑跟著超模Vittoria Ceretti的10句語錄,品味她對生活與工作,既感性又霸氣的率真性格!


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超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於工作

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Kristy Sparow//Getty Images


"You have to keep your head on your shoulders, always and in any case."

超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於付出

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Peter White//Getty Images


“You have no f-cking idea how much you have to fight to make people respect you. TAKES YEARS. You just get it free by day one.”

超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於努力

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Rosdiana Ciaravolo//Getty Images


"I was not born on a comfy sexy pillow with a view. I know it’s not your fault, but please, appreciate and know the place you come from.”

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超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於心態

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Noam Galai/GA//Getty Images


“Be kind to everyone you meet, and most importantly—never compare your career to another model’s.”

超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於外表

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Rosdiana Ciaravolo//Getty Images


"I prefer to think of true beauty as an outward sign of an inward grace."

超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於感性

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Rosdiana Ciaravolo//Getty Images


"I’ve always had it inside—this ability to read people, how to get into someone else’s head and help them with their problems. I think it’s the thing I enjoy most besides modeling."

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超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於情感

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images


"Feelings come at really unexpected moments to all of us, and they come so fast."

超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於形象

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Daniele Venturelli//Getty Images


"I want to be remembered by those who know me for my professionalism and at the same for the desire I have to joke and to bring a positive energy."

超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於模特兒

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Estrop//Getty Images


"I didn't always want to be a model, but once I started, I realized how much I loved it."

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超模Vittoria Ceretti的率真語錄:關於打扮

「善待你遇到的每個人,永遠別和他人比較!」chanel繆思超模vittoria ceretti的10句率真語錄
Antonello Trio//Getty Images


“If I’m going out and want to go crazy, I put on mascara—and that’s it."

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