
【2019 SS紐約時裝周】致敬50週年!與Ralph Lauren一同演繹美式精神的經典復刻

走過了半個世紀,Ralph Lauren以古典詩意揉合現代美學的方式在紐約中央公園舉辦時裝大秀,透過各式面料勾勒波西米亞的樸實浪漫,拼縫用色大膽的街頭時尚,細膩詮釋每一件衣裳,傳達每一則動人心弦的故事,從不同角度展現Ralph Lauren的奇幻異想世界。

By and Shaolin Hsu

2019 SS Fashion Week時裝周

Fashion, Pink, Event, Haute couture, Plant, Fur, Tourism, Crowd, Fashion design,

Dior Men 2019早秋男裝東京發表會 線上直播

Fashion, Fashion model, Runway, Fashion show, Fashion design, Haute couture, Winter, Event, Visual arts, Model,

【2019SS 巴黎時裝周】異教徒的浪漫黑勢力:留著戰士血液的Alexander McQueen

Bag, Handbag, Fashion, Fashion accessory, Textile, Street fashion, Tradition, Style, Luggage and bags,


Arch, Light, Architecture, Sculpture, Design, Interior design, Art, Function hall, Games,

【2019SS 巴黎時裝周】重新解構的時尚美學!賞玩Miu Miu的百變異想世界

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