
「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 Vivienne Westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見

在叛逆前衛的風格包裝下,Vivienne Westwood有的是一顆投身社會議題不遺餘力的善良之心!

By and Rouhan Lai
「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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英國時裝設計師Vivienne Westwood生於1941年,設計風格鮮明且不受傳統束縛,投身時尚產業50多年來總是引領著時尚潮流的反叛面向,包含立體的剪裁、講究的面料與工藝,以及結構誇張繁複、充滿戲劇性的華麗設計,都不斷挑戰禁忌、顛覆體制,樹立新的風格指標,建構出特立獨行的價值與設計語彙。而Vivienne Westwood不忌諱世俗眼光,以脫離傳統的前衛風格創作出的饒富趣味又大膽的作品,更是讓龐克搖滾音樂具象化,有了破壞面料、安全別針、厚底鞋等得以認明的單品形象,也成為時尚圈中代表反叛、青春的風格代表。

有「龐克教母」之稱的「西太后」Vivienne Westwood不僅打破所謂時尚穿著的定義,她更關注氣候變遷與社會議題,發揮自身影響力,以時尚為媒介持續倡導環保、綠色時尚以及人權議題,展現出勇於表現自我意識、不隨波逐流的態度。讓我們一起回顧Vivienne Westwood關於時尚與人生的金句,向這位極具才華與影響力的大師致敬。

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“I just use fashion as an excuse to talk about politics. Because I’m a fashion designer, it gives me a voice, which is really good.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
Dave Benett//Getty Images


“I design things to help people to hopefully express their personality.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
Michael Putland//Getty Images


“I was a punk before it got its name. I had that hairstyle and purple lipstick.”

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「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
Ki Price//Getty Images


“My clothes have a story. They have an identity. They have a character and a purpose. That's why they become classics. Because they keep on telling a story. They are still telling it.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“The only reason I'm in fashion is to destroy the word conformity.

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“You have a more interesting life if you wear impressive clothes.”

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「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
Mike Marsland//Getty Images


“I'm not trying to do something different, I'm trying to do the same thing but in a different way.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“Popular culture is a contradiction in terms. If it's popular, it's not culture.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
David M. Benett//Getty Images


“I may be a rebel, but I am not an outsider.”

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「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“I’m not terribly interested in beauty. What touches me is someone who understands herself.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見


“In history people dressed much better than we do today.”

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「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
John Phillips//Getty Images


“Art should never be sociological; it has got to be timeless. It's got to be your vision and how you can represent the world you see.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality, not quantity. Everybody's buying far too many clothes.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“Intelligence is composed mostly of imagination, insight, things that have nothing to do with reason.”

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「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“... the idea that the Art Lover is a freedom fighter for a better world because he thinks, and his exploration of the past gives him a perspective from which to form his own opinions and to act.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“Culture is necessary for human beings to evolve into better creatures.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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「你必須投入這個世界,你必須閱讀、去藝術畫廊、找出植物的名字。 你必須開始熱愛這個世界,並去了解人類的智慧靈光。 我們是很棒的人!」

“You've got to invest in the world, you've got to read, you've got to go to art galleries, you've got to find out the names of plants. You've got to start to love the world and know about the whole genius of the human race. We're amazing people.”

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「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見
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“The only possible effect one can have on the world is through unpopular ideas.”

「龐克教母」Vivienne Westwood人生箴言:

a「我或許叛逆,但我從不是個局外人。」 vivienne westwood用善良靈魂實踐反動革命的25句真摯人生洞見dame vivienne westwood celebrates her design of "alice's adventures in wonderland" 150th reissue
David M. Benett//Getty Images


“More people should read books. It’s the most concentrated experience you can have.”

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