
「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄


By , MADDOX LIU and Lauren Alexis Fisher
「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)的傳奇人生中,各方各面都獨一無二。他既無與倫比又機智,在某些時候甚至還可能讓人有點難以招架。以強勢作風聞名的Karl Lagerfeld,此生所留下的事跡,正如他為Chanel、Fendi、Chloé等時裝屋所設計的系列作品般遠近馳名,尤其是「運動褲是失敗的象徵!」或「潮流的盡頭即是俗氣。」等霸氣名言,更讓Karl Lagerfeld直言不諱的性格也傳遍世界。適逢2023 Met Gala將致敬Karl Lagerfeld逾60年的時尚生涯,不妨跟著BAZAAR一同回顧「老佛爺」看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄。


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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於潮流

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Bertrand Rindoff Petroff//Getty Images


"Trendy is the last stage before tacky."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於原則

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄


"Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life so you bought some sweatpants."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於打扮

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Antonio de Moraes Barros Filho//Getty Images


"Don't dress to kill, dress to survive."

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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於時尚

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄


"Fashion is not only about clothes—it's about all kinds of change."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於風格

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Michel Dufour//Getty Images


"Never use the word 'cheap.' Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes (the rich buy them too). There is good clothing design on every level today. You can be the chicest thing in the world in a T-shirt and jeans—it’s up to you."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於自信

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄


"Don't use expensive clothes as a screen for your personal doubts. Be proud of yourself and not only because you wear expensive designer clothes. They are great, but lots of people are happy without them."

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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於品味

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Images Press//Getty Images


"Chic is a kind of mayonnaise, either it tastes, or it doesn't."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於態度

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Vittorio Zunino Celotto//Getty Images


"I’m very much down to earth, just not this earth.”

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於奢華

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
John van Hasselt - Corbis//Getty Images


"Luxury is the ease of a t-shirt in a very expensive dress."

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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於慾望

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Stephane Cardinale - Corbis//Getty Images


"Luxury bags make your life more pleasant, make you dream, give you confidence, and show your neighbors you're doing well."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於幽默

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Daniele Venturelli//Getty Images


"A sense of humor and a little lack of respect: that’s what you need to make a legend survive."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於形象

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Karl Prouse/Catwalking//Getty Images


"I am like a caricature of myself, and I like that. It is like a mask. And for me the Carnival of Venice lasts all year long."

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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於觀點

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Ian Cook//Getty Images


"I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於主見

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Rose Hartman//Getty Images


"I’m not crazy to discuss fashion with men. I couldn’t care less about their opinion."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於堅持

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Keystone-France//Getty Images


"I'm very impeccable and clean before I go to bed. When I was a child, my mother always told me that you could wake up in the middle of the night and be deathly sick, so you always have to be impeccable. I laugh about it now, but I think everyone should go to bed like they have a date at the door."

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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於消費

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Rose Hartman//Getty Images


"If you throw money out of the window, throw it out with joy. Don’t say: 'one shouldn’t do that'—that is bourgeois."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於外貌

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Bernard Weil//Getty Images


"Life is not a beauty contest. What I hate is nasty, ugly people."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於自拍

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Vittorio Zunino Celotto//Getty Images


"They are this horrible thing where you are distorted. The chin is too big, the head is too small. It is electronic masturbation."

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「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於進步

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Daniel Simon//Getty Images


"Improvise. Become more creative. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step."

「老佛爺」卡爾拉格斐Karl Lagerfeld語錄:關於自我

「潮流的盡頭就是俗氣!」卡爾拉格斐karl lagerfeld看透時尚與人生的20句傳奇語錄
Pascal Le Segretain//Getty Images


"I've always known that I was made to live this way, that I would be this sort of legend."

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