
「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant的瀟灑風範

堅持讓所有女性都能負擔得起時尚單品的「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant,許多想法至今看來依然前衛!

By and Yuna Chen
「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
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作為20世紀英國最有影響力的設計師之一,有著「迷你裙之母」美譽的瑪莉官(Mary Quant)不僅是60年代英國搖擺時尚(Swinging London)的先驅,更用服裝、配件、彩妝等多面向的設計觸角,為戰後的英國女性提供靈活自由裝扮的新選項。除了掀起短裙、絲襪搭配鮑伯頭的風潮,Mary Quant也是將熱褲、螺紋緊身毛衣與防水睫毛膏帶進我們日常穿搭造型的推手,有別於多數時裝設計師的精品路線,Mary Quant更致力於讓時尚普及化,自始至終都堅持商品價位必須是一般上班族女子們能夠負擔的價格,這也讓她的同名品牌成為成長於60至80年代的少女們的共同回憶。

這位作風獨樹一幟的傳奇設計師日前於倫敦自宅中與世長辭,享壽93歲。即使她的離開令人遺憾和不捨,但透過她所留下的設計手筆與個性金句,我們仍能從其中感受到Mary Quant毫不過時的前衛開創性與那股隨性奔放的能量!以下讓我們透過25句智慧箴言,一窺60年代時尚圈革命家的態度與風範!

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Keystone-France//Getty Images


“Fashion is not frivolous. It's part of being alive today.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Central Press//Getty Images


“The fashionable woman wears clothes. The clothes don't wear her.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
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“Fashion, as we knew it, is over; people wear now exactly what they feel like wearing.”

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「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Evening Standard//Getty Images


“I love vulgarity. Good taste is death. Vulgarity is life.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Keystone-France//Getty Images


“It was not happening because of me. It was simply that I was part of it.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
TV Times//Getty Images


“People call things 'vulgar' when they are new to them. When they have become old, they become 'good taste'.”

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「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Mirrorpix//Getty Images


“The real creators of miniskirt are the girls, the same that you seen in the streets.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
George Stroud//Getty Images


“They [the women who wear miniskirts] are curiously feminine, but their femininity lies in their attitude rather than in their appearance... she enjoys being noticed, but wittily. She is lively, positive, opinionated.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Mirrorpix//Getty Images


“Vidal Sassoon, the pill and the miniskirt changed everything.”

編註:維達沙宣(Vidal Sassoon)為鮑柏頭的首創者,以不需大量髮膠、較好打理的短髮造型改變了女性自60年代起的髮型風貌。

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「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Keystone//Getty Images


“The sixties mini was the most self indulgent, optimistic 'look at me, isn't life wonderful' fashion ever devised. It expressed the sixties, the emancipation of women, the Pill and rock 'n' roll. ... It was the beginning of women's lib.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Evening Standard//Getty Images


“The whole point of fashion is to make fashionable clothes available to everyone.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
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“Snobbery has gone out of fashion, and in our shops you will find duchesses jostling with typists to buy the same dress.”

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「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Bettmann//Getty Images


“Fashion is a tool to compete in life outside the home. People like you better, without knowing why, because people always react well to a person they like the looks of.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Bettmann//Getty Images


“Fashion doesn't really influence the climate of opinion, it reflects what is really in the air. It reflects what people are reading and thinking and listening to, and architecture, painting, attitudes to success and to society.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Evening Standard//Getty Images


“I was churning out so many designs a year, it became an obsession, a drug. I couldn’t stop.”

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「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Keystone//Getty Images


“We didn't necessarily realize that what we were creating was pioneering, we were simply too busy relishing all the opportunities and embracing the results before rushing on to the next challenge.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Mirrorpix//Getty Images


“Risk it, go for it. Life always gives you another chance, another go at it. It's very important to take enormous risks.”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Evening Standard//Getty Images


“Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun but not vital.”

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「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Keystone//Getty Images


“Rules are invented for lazy people who don't want to think for themselves..”

「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官Mary Quant語錄:

「勢利眼已經不時髦了!」透過25句智慧箴言認識「迷你裙之母」瑪莉官mary quant的瀟灑風範
Evening Standard//Getty Images


“I dreaded having to be grown-up because it meant one was going to wear very inhibiting clothes.”

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